Monday 22 August 2011

EPA - An Update

See Letter to the Editor – The Guardian - 17/8/2011

No one is accusing EPA of “an intention to mislead or conceal information”. However, the question still remains: Were the Residents, who have bores in the area neighbouring Hills’ Industries in Edwardstown, advised about possible contamination of ground water as soon as Marion Council passed on the information to EPA? The answer, of course, is NO! No need to repeat a list of excuses.

On the other hand, Marion Council(Adm) felt it had “complied with its legislative responsibilities” Fortunately, later - upon questioning by the Audit Committee – the Council(Adm) are developing a Policy to address the issues of duty of care, its roles and legal and ethical responsibilities around Council information and knowledge.(Minutes 9/5/2011).

This what the Residents need: True and timely information. They can tell when the truth is massaged…It is rather late to try now to massage their perception as well!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Elderly Resident Complains About Safety Issues @ Marion Culture Centre

The broken slate outside the Marion Culture Centre has caused a significant hazard one of our elderly resident. CF of Park Holme claims she called the council to notify them of the incident and after 2 months it’s still the same condition.

This resident question’s "Can’t the council see these things, particularly where they are walking." It seems after the Aquatic Centre development and promotion nothing has been done about improving our safety for our elderly on the way to the library.

Footpaths across the city would be responsible for a number of tripping injuries each year. While it is recognised that each one cannot be repaired if not reported; those that have been reported should be acted upon. It would be interesting to investigate their obligations under the OHS&W act, surely we pay our rates for this protection

Have an issue with council inaction?

We would like to hear about it:

We can be contacted via email, blog, tweet or facebook


If the inaction is from phoning the council administration, the elected members / councillors should be your next line of support, that's what they are there for.

Failing that and providing you still have the will-power; we suggest petitioning council and/or deputating (speaking) to the council sitting, seeking a formal motion so that council can vote on the matter.

If you use these processes, you can cut throw the red tape and inaction.

Update: association has approached a councillor who has requested a customer request to have the problem fixed.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Illegal Rubbish Dumping

Why, why, why haven't our council fined these culprits? How can culprits deterred without this.

The council suggest this is because residents have not dobbed in a dumper; well we call on neighbourhood watchers and those that just care about living in a clean area, free from unsightly and sometimes vermin harboring rubbish!

Dob in a Dumper - let council know - 8375 6600 or

Make sure you either get their number plate or if its a local their address!

Increase in Illegal dumping

Cat registration impacts

What will this mean for elderly residents already struggling with the cost of living?
Will people's precious animals be killed if caught out without registration?
Compulsory micro-chipping is more effective isn't it?

These are just a few of the questions residents have raised with us already, we hope council addresses these concerns upon implementation. After all cats are of the more affordable options for companionship and provide affection to their owners.

We believe responsible cat ownership is a must, and perhaps a cat curfew is more effective for the protection of people's property, our wildlife and the cats themselves.

Monday 2 May 2011

Let the public see how development decisions are made in our council...

Currently not all the elected members of the Marion Council believe the community wants an open Development Assessment Panel.

Does this mean they don't trust to the public to watch how development assessment panel make decisions?  How can the public have faith in the development decisions made by Marion's Development Assessment Panel? Are the members are professional enough to carry out the decisions in public? (We think so)

If you believe in transparency from your council administration...

Download and sign the petition below, every name counts, tell your elected members how you feel!